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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

View of a Room

I haven't had a chance to share any pictures of my room yet, so I thought I would.  Why is it that just about the time you think you have your room set up, everything gets all switched and you have to start over?  Well....this is what it is happening now that we decided to combine classes and departmentalize.  So....out of all of the changes being made in my room, here are a few pictures that I felt that I could share.  hehe  My 'make over crew'  <i.e. anyone that can hang anything straight as I am well known for putting things up crooked> will be coming in soon to do the make over over the make over!!!

I have to admit that decorating this room is a slow process since the building is 50 years old.  I have all sorts of nooks and crannies and cracks to cover up!!

My Word Wall bordered with greenery and wildflowers <which covers the paint that is peeling!>.

This was taken one night just before leaving so the blinds are pulled, but this shows my bandanna curtains which are a cinch to make, but not so easy to hang due to the humidity in my room.  We finally hot glued the hooks for those suckers to the wall!  I'll do a post soon on what we did to make them and get them up there.

This shows my writing topics <which I believe I got from Lori Rosenberg> and my behavior chart guitar.  My partner and I decided just today to change the behavior chart and deviate from the school's choices so that we could be more positive, so that will be changing also....but I love my guitar.

Here is the inside of my door which is actually the only piece of my tie dye collection to make the photo shoot!  After the revamping of my room I'll post more pictures!

Maybe this will give you an idea or two or three...


  1. Great pictures! Thanks so much for posting them!

  2. I love the bandana curtains! They are a great way to add some color to a classroom. :)

  3. Yay! I love looking at classroom pictures, especially when I see something I made hanging in there! LOL! Looks great!

    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter


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