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Showing posts with label droid maintenance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label droid maintenance. Show all posts

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aunt Kim, Bad Droids, and Chalk Art

I got up today all friend Kim, from Florida, was in town and she came to pick me up for lunch.  At one time when we taught together we were known as 'left brain' and 'right brain'.  Have you ever had a co-worker like that?  She and I complimented each other so well in our teaching.  I can't tell you how much I miss her.  We had a wonderful discussion about Common Core, administrators, and yep, you guest it--the government and education.  We are at the point in our relationship where we can't believe how much each others' kids have grown.  My kids barely remember her, but through the stories and recollections I share, they love their 'Aunt Kim'.  When they were much younger we hopped onto a plane and flew to Florida to visit her...this is one of their favorite memories!

Well, when ole Aunt Kim and I were done talking, I asked her to drop me off at Verizon because my Droid has been acting up saying I have too many texts and too many programs when I've deleted everything I know to delete.  The lady at Verizon says that all Droids have a bug in them which is enacted after it gets so old.  When that bug gets to going....your Droid is trashed.  So...word of caution...if you have a Droid, keep the maintenance plan going.  With a maintenance plan, you get a new phone.  For Free. maintenance plan.  So, we ended up making a mad dash home to dump out the toy boxes for the old flip phone we had.  I was able to use that and came out the victor....I am now the owner of a BRAND NEW iPhone.  Now...if I can just figure out how to answer it, we are good!

I am excited though because now I can get all of the pictures off of my Droid that it decided not to let me have, which will make my posting so much easier!!! Woooo Hoooo for technology.  I am now among the technically cooperatonal!! I am going to share a neat little artsy lesson that I did this year with my kids at school.  Very easy!

 First, you draw a picture with glue.

Then you let it dry.

Then you color it in with colored chalk.  

The student that did this smudged the chalk to show 'the sun shining on the leaves that were wet with dew'.  I don't really see it, but sounded poetic enough that I bought it!!

I hope this is something you can use in your class!

Remember....please follow my blog while you are here!


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