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Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Motivating Math with Mickey D's

I'm sure you looked at this title and wondered what in the world we are doing in our classroom!  The truth is, we are using McDonald's french fry containers to share the successes of our 2nd graders as they learn their addition and subtraction problems.  For each 'set' of problems (for example, the 2's or 3's)that are mastered during a speed drill, the student will get a 'french fry' <made from yellow construction paper>.  At the top of the 'french fry' we put the name of the set of problems that were mastered.  Midway down the strip I put the student's name in case the fry gets pulled out.  I have learned that it is best to tape them into the container so that they are not easily pulled out. is the big news.....we have a sponser that has agreed to buy Happy Meals for the students that master all of their addition and subtraction problems up to sums of 25.  Those that do not master all of them will get a small order of fries.  Now, I know you are thinking this is not the healthiest thing to do, but I figure they will burn all of the calories off at recess!

Mastering these facts take a lot of practice.  In order to give them practice I use a computer program from the makers of Accelerated Reader called Math Facts in a Flash which keeps track of what problems are mastered and it controls when they move to the next set.  I also use to grab free math sheets for homework.

I hope this helps someone out there!!
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