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Showing posts with label craftivities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craftivities. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2012

Cricut Use in the Classroom and a Linky Party

If you are like me, you are already thinking about next year and what you will do in your classroom to make it 'spiffy'.  Also, if you are like me, you have no desire to really think about curriculum while you are either  finishing up your year or just finished it. thinking about all of this, I decided that it doesn't hurt to think about some fun things that you can do in your classroom and have them ready to go for the fall.  Enter, my Cricut that I got myself for Christmas with the intention of using it in the classroom for those 'craftivities' that we love!  Things were so crazy this past school year that I never got around to even using it to make anything for myself or my students to use.  In fact, the little time I spent trying to use it made me think that it would be best to get some lessons from someone that knows how to use one at least a little bit.  Enter, my sister, Jeane!  Tomorrow we will be going to check on my mom and go to my niece's summer dance recital and I plan to spend some quality Cricut time with my sister.  We rarely get to spend any kind of quality time with each other ever, so this is going to be a treat.  And, if I get some 'craftivities' done for school, then, so much better for next year's students!  But most of all, it is going to be great just being a sister.

Attention all Cricut users!  Please leave a comment letting me know how you use your Cricut in your classroom.  Do you cut out sets of shapes for your students to use? Do you cut out 2 patterns, one for a model and one for students to trace in order to cut out the pattern?  I am really curious as to how they are used in the classrooms.

Also, for those of you that access the computer program on line to design your Cricut patterns, is there a way we could use is order to share patterns across the country?  Is there a Cricut law we would be breaking?  That is an idea that popped into my head a few minutes ago an I don't even have a way to research due to time constraints. So...if any of you out there are Cricut Aficionados, please let me know what you think about that.  I would love to create a account and share the password/sign in info here on my blog and create a 'go to' place for patterns and such for school displays.  Anybody know if this could even work???  PLEASE let me know!!  I'll see if I can figure it out tomorrow, if I can.

On the other side of things, I am joining up with Jeannie at Kindergarten Lifestyle's summer linky party!!  Read on!!!

Kindergarten Lifestyle

Thanks for the Linky Party, Jeannie!


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