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Sunday, June 9, 2013

DNA and Summer Bridges

Hi ya'll!  I have lots of new followers <which I hope actually read blogs and don't just scan them for the freebies> and so I decided to share something VERY Important!

A few months ago I had my DNA tested because I have some very strange autoimmune health problems.  Did you know that 80% of teachers in America have some sort of autoimmune health problems?  Autoimmune health problems come about because they are hidden in our genes and aren't supposed to be a problem....but stress <i.e. teaching> can wake them up and have a horrible health problem that you can never get rid of.

  An added benefit was that some cousins and I are trying to solve an old family story about an adoption and a 'lost' last name which means the one we use isn't the one we are supposed to be using!  Since genealogy is my hobby, I was eager to through my genes into the 'bag'!  

When I got my reports back, I learned a lot of information that has turned out to be very important.  I only have a 1% chance of having Parkinson's or Altzeimers, I have a 40% chance of having Macular Degeneration, and I should be careful if I am ever put on a blood thinner because I have a huge chance of my blood becoming too thin.  Well...this past week my mom was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration and we found out that she has lost all of her 'right before your eyes' vision but still has some of her peripheral vision.  So...the chances of me having the same problems are only 40%, but are OH SO Real after realizing that there are no glasses or surgeries that will help my mom see again.  I now have a plan in place...special vitamins that are created just for the eyes...and the hope that I won't go blind as early as my 71 year old mother.  I encourage you to have your DNA tested so you know what might be lurking in the future.  To me, this DNA test is better than any insurance plan I could ever purchase.

The best test on the market can be found at 23andme and they are $99, but the benefits are well worth it.  Think about it.

Now on to the torture I am putting my children through this summer....actually my son and godchildren think it is torture and my daughter loves it.  I got each of them workbooks from Summer Bridge so that they don't lose any of the learning from this past year.  I have a set time for 'playing school' each day and then check their work afterwards.  I HIGHLY recommend these for kids that you have at home or even to have on for skill work during the year.  All you have to do is click on a pic to fly through the Internet to Amazon and order!

Since several of you may be new to reading my blog, I am figuring you may be new to my freebies, also.  So, be sure to visit  my store at Teacher's Pay Teachers to download my freebies!  Be sure to follow, also, so you can find out when I add something.  Just between you and me, I have a HUGE word sort packet that is about to be added to the store and I will be updating it A BUNCH.  So, be on the lookout for it and grab it early because as I add things the price will likely have to go up because of the amount of time this packet is taking.  

Now, be sure to come back this week to pick up some of the freebies that will be shared.  And, you can even join in with our book study!!  Can you tell I do all my shopping through Amazon??!!  Until the next time...


  1. Wow! Youre so fortunate to be able to take preventative measures! All kinds of cancer, including breast cancer, run in my family. I want to take a DNA test. Ill day a prayer for your mom.

  2. Thank you so much! The DNA test has helped me is so many ways...One interesting thing I am doing right now is comparing health issues with other cousins from the same branch to see what genes we may possibly be passing down. Very interesting!


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