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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Law of Common Courtesy: Teachers' Rights

There is an old saying that says, "Hindsight is always 20/20".

I've come to that realization this weekend and it has been like a bomb dropping on me.  I'm not sure if you are like me and when the year is over, you have that  on the last night of the last school day, when you sort of review the happenings at your school, in your classroom, etc.  You sit back and think, "Wow, I remember....", or "Remember that time...".  My last day at school was Friday, so of course, Friday night I spent the night rethinking my actions and the actions of others.  The conclusion I came to was that obviously,  my subconscious mind had more than likely stored all of these things until I was done with school and capable of examining them.  Ordinarily, I would read this from someone else and say, "Oh, that's hogwash!".  But, in this case, I really to do think it has happened.

So....I am going to set up a series of situations and would like your input on how to handle them.  I have not seen or experienced all of these this year, and hope to present these in such a way that you, the reader, can't tell.  I can tell you that each of these are serious situations.  After you are done reading, I will be curious to hear your thoughts, reactions, and ideas about how they should be handled in your state.  There won't be a freebie with this article, so is you are a freebie hunting teacher, this article isn't for you.  This article is being written to help you and others stay out of the fire or to know what your rights are (however, this may vary from state to state).  Please comment and help teachers that may be in this predicament!

1.  A child routinely hits you.  You report it to your administrator, but nothing is done.  How do you react?

2.  A teacher is required to turn in a referral packet to the administrator for approval.

3.  A teacher has turned in a referral packet for special ed but it can't be found.

4.  You, as a teacher, are told not to ask any questions about special education to the special education staff.  All questions are to go through her.  And, you are the parent.

5.  The principal only wants 2% of the population of the school to be coded under special ed. and therefore holds special education paperwork about various students so that they cannot be coded and hurt that percentage.

6.  You, the teacher, have asked for management help involving a child that, when tested, ends up being mentally retarded and removed to a class that better meets his needs.  Yet, you are scored lower on the classroom management portion of your end of the year evaluation.

7.  The administrator does not agree with you teaching strategies, yet, your students are making progress.  However, in a private meeting, the administrator tells you that he/she does not want you on the staff next year and tells you that you should be looking for another job in another school.

8.  In a private meeting, your administrator tells you that you will never be a great teacher, and probably not even a good one.  The administrator tells you that to be 'good' you have to put in 110% more time and work into your school day, but that it would be better if you resign and find another occupation.  Yet, your students have made adequate  progress in all subjects.

9.  A complaint has been filed with your union by someone on your staff.  The administrator believes it was you.  You have previously had exemplary evaluations, but now find yourself scored in the ineffective range even though you have proof that you are not.

10.  You are a special education teacher and you are told by your administrator to cancel meetings at the last minute.  You are told to do this at least 4 times.  You do not want to do this, but you are afraid of retribution from your administrator.

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