Friday, March 23, 2012

Link Up! Think It Up!

OK...we are heading into the part of the year where the kids...and teachers!!...get SPRING FEVER!!!  So, I wanted to do something that we could all get a chuckle from!!

I've held off having a linky party because there are so many right now...but, I've caught the bug and I just can't wait any longer!!  I can't wait to see what ideas everyone comes up with!

The theme for this Linky Party is:  If you could invent something FANTASTICALLY WONDERFUL that would help teachers everywhere, what would it be?

Here's what you need to do...
1.  Copy the graphic above!
2.  Add your 'twist' on your blog.
3.  Link back to this post!

I can't wait to go and visit everyone and see what you want to invent!



  1. Thanks for the opportunity to link up! I love the topic you chose!

    New Follower!
    Margaret Louise
    Tangled Up Teaching

  2. Such a cute idea! Thanks for the fun link up! You're right, students in my classes have already gotten kind of squirrely due to the warmer weather.

    I've got a post scheduled for first thing tomorrow since I've already posted something today on my blog. Now I just have to remember to come back & link up here! ;-)

  3. This is a great blog. I look forward to reading your future post.If you get a chance check out my blog Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.



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