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Saturday, March 31, 2012

April Fools Sale Info and Cynthia Rylant Books

It has been a lovely day here in Tennesse...sometimes cloudy and cool...sometimes sunny and warm....and now....the rain is washing off all of the pollen.  What more could you ask for except for a snowday.  But, it is too late in the year for that and it's the weekend!!!

hehe  I thought this was sort of funny.  My husband didn't get it at all.  Anyway....I have a sale on TpT that will start at 12 AM EST for you night owls.  It ends at 11:59 on Sunday, again for you night owls!!  I hope that you take advantage of it.  I have a whole slew of freebies in my store, also! So, go check it out!!

Today I went to 2 different bookstores, looking for the Cynthia Rylant books that are mentioned in the Common Core Curriculum Mapping Book (by the way, they have books for K-5, 6-8, and 9-12!) for second grade.  What I found was......nada.  They bookstores told me that they are selling out of Cynthia Rylant books quicker than they can stock them.  So, I turned to Amazon (my home sweet home!) to see what I could find.  I was shocked by what I found....Amazon itself does not have many of the books and is depending on independent sellers to fill in the need for Cynthia Rylant books.  So....moral of the story, start buying the recommended books now if you haven't already.  My theory is that as it gets closer to the new school year and schools begin phasing common core into some of the higher grades, the books will disappear and the price will go up and up.  In fact, one independent seller had one of the books I was looking for listed for $83.  I hope that was a typo!  Below is a list of Cynthia Rylant books that are needed for second grade with links to Amazon so you can take a look at the prices.

Suggested Works to have on hand in 2nd grade for Cynthia Rylant:

Poppleton in Winter by Cynthia Rylant and Mark Teague

Poppleton in Spring

Poppleton in Fall

Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan by Cynthia Rylant and Sucie Stevenson

Henry and Mudge:  The First Book

Cynthia Rylant:  A Writer's Story  (No link)

Hopefully this will cut down the chase for some of you and you won't try multiple book stores like I did! I had hoped to have a freebie for you, but Saturday errands and enforcing the chore list for my kids took most of my time.  If only I could bottle my daughter's drama of being overwhelmed at the task of hanging up/folding a small basket of clothes.  I bet I would be a millionaire!

Until tomorrow!


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for the link to the books! I have seen the lists in passing but have not spent the time to investigate. Do you know if we will need multiple copies or just one of each? By the way, I love your blog! Gina

    1. I read somewhere that we would need two copies, but that doesn't make sense. If I find any more/new info about it, I'll job out another blog post!!! Wish I knew more for you!


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