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Friday, December 30, 2011

Brain-Based Learning in the Classroom

I just wanted to pop in and include this link.  I know this is an area I need to improve in, and I suspect there are many more.  Once you click on this link, there is a pdf that can be downloaded for further reading!


  1. Jennifer,

    That's a great article about Brain Based Learning by Edutopia! I have a passion for the brain, and that's one of the best I've seen. It gives the information without the scientific jargon that I've seen in many other articles. Thanks for sharing!

    Sally from ElementaryMatters

  2. Jennifer,
    I've been to some great trainings on brain research, but like you I need to get better at it! Thanks for sharing the article! Brian

  3. There is a free guide that Eric Jensen has on his Jensen Learning website.

    Eric is the founder of brain based teaching and learning and has many books on the subject. He also is a founder of Super Camps.

    I've been an avid follower of his for years.

  4. I love this idea. Mind if I change it a big to make is fit my firsties? I'm your newest follower.

    First Grade Delight

  5. Sorry... I mean to say change it a bit. Not to change it a big! lol

  6. There is information as well as free strategies and activities for applying brain science to the teaching of reading and math at my website, too.

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